The Settlement Council of Australia (SCoA) opposes the proposed extension of the Newly
Arrived Residents Waiting Period (NARWP). These changes will have negative impacts on the
Australian economy, social cohesion in communities, and the wellbeing of Australian migrants.
The pre-COVID success of Australia’s economy is by no means an accident, instead, it is built
on one of the key pillars of sustained economic growth: a well-executed and supported
migration program. This program has financially supported Australians since the last major
global crisis, the Second World War, and is crucial to our recovery from the COVID-19
pandemic. In addition, the notion that permanent residents are to be taxed the same rate as
citizens whilst receiving no social support from the government taxing them contravenes the
notions of fairness Australia is built on, with substantial impacts on Australia’s social cohesion
as a result.