Case Studies
The Settlement Council of Australia (SCOA) regularly showcases best-practice in settlement by publishing case studies. They offer examples of practical application of theoretical frameworks, reflective action, and underscore the varied approaches to achieving best practice in different contexts, at different times. They also demonstrate the multiple and innovative ways that different providers respond and adapt to complex challenges, while learning along the way. Ultimately, case studies highlight the incredible strength and generosity of the organisations with whom we work and help foster nationwide collaboration in the sharing of wisdom and experience.

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) Settlement Language Pathways to Employment and Training (SLPET)

Bi-Cultural Health Navigator Program- Whittlesea Community Connections (WCC)

Driving Education to Yazidi Youth and Women (SETS)-Multicultural Australia

Driver Education Program- Edmund Rice Centre WA

Connecting Communities: A Public Transport Pilot (SECL)

Women at the Wheel- SSI (formerly Access Community Services)

CALD Women in Leadership, 2023- Western Sydney MRC

Change the Conversation- Multicultural Australia

Guide to effectively engaging with CALD communities based on lessons learned during COVID-19: Centacare FNQ

STARTTS and Ukrainian Council (NSW) Support for Ukrainian Community

Stories of Multicultural Australia: SCOA Case Study

Communities for Change Australian Refugee Association

Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP) Settlement Language Pathways to Employment and Training (SLPET)

Bi-Cultural Health Navigator Program- Whittlesea Community Connections (WCC)

Driving Education to Yazidi Youth and Women (SETS)-Multicultural Australia

Driver Education Program- Edmund Rice Centre WA

Connecting Communities: A Public Transport Pilot (SECL)

Women at the Wheel- SSI (formerly Access Community Services)

CALD Women in Leadership, 2023- Western Sydney MRC

Change the Conversation- Multicultural Australia

Guide to effectively engaging with CALD communities based on lessons learned during COVID-19: Centacare FNQ

STARTTS and Ukrainian Council (NSW) Support for Ukrainian Community

Stories of Multicultural Australia: SCOA Case Study