The Department of Human Services has slowly been transitioning customers to access their Centrelink account through myGov. Soon, all Centrelink customers will need to sign in to their Centrelink online account using myGov.
If people don’t have a myGov account, they can create one. They can go to and select Create an account. They will need their own email address to create an account.
If people already have a myGov account, they will need to link their Centrelink account to myGov. All they need to do is sign in to myGov, select Link my first service or Link another service and follow the steps.
Since 3 November 2018, Centrelink customers who have a mobile number or email address recorded with Centrelink have to sign in to their Centrelink account using myGov. Their online letters will go to their myGov Inbox. If they don’t have a myGov account their letters will go to their postal address recorded with Centrelink.
If customers need help to create a myGov account or to link their Centrelink account to myGov, they can:
- use our myGov step by step online guides available in English and a range of translated languages at
- go to the Resources and help section on our website and use our myGov resources for community groups information
- call 131 202 to speak with us in their language, 8 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday
- call the myGov helpdesk on 132 307 and select Option 1 to speak to us in English. It is open Monday to Friday 7 am – 10 pm, and Saturday to Sunday 10 am – 5 pm
- visit a service centre or a myGov shopfront.
For any further questions please contact the Department of Human Services.