Tax time resources
Information about the ATOs free Tax Help program:
- Get free help to do your tax return available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dari, English, Farsi/Persian, Hazaragi, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Spanish, Thai, Vietnamese.
- Help for your first tax time – audio versions are available in Arabic, Cantonese, Dari, Farsi, Mandarin, and Nepali.
- How to get ready to do your tax return
- Steps to make doing your tax return easier
- Important information for your 2019-20 tax return
- Tax essentials including deduction guides for different occupations (e.g. tradies, nurses, and office workers) and topics (e.g. claiming car, clothing and travel expenses) is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish and Vietnamese.
The ATO also has information in easy English on the topics of:
- get ready to do your tax
- how to do your tax
- staying safe from scams.
Important changes to JobKeeper Payment
- Extension of the JobKeeper Payment (in English) fact sheet for businesses and not-for-profits
- JobKeeper key dates (in English)
- Long-term casual employees (in English) – how to determine if your employee is considered a long-term casual employee for JobKeeper payments.
- Eligible employees (in English) and Your eligible employees (in English) – rule changes for new eligible employees under the 1 July eligibility test.
- JobKeeper information is also available in Arabic, Assyrian, Dari, Farsi/Persian, Greek, Hazaragi, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
Superannuation guarantee (SG) amnesty
- The SG amnesty (in English) is a one-off opportunity to correct past unpaid SG amounts. Employers have until 7 September 2020 to act. Information is available in Arabic, Assyrian, Dari, Farsi/Persian, Greek, Hazaragi, Italian, Khmer, Korean, Nepali, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Thai, Traditional Chinese, Turkish, and Vietnamese.
- We also have a short video in English explaining the SG amnesty which you can share on social media.
Help and support
- If people are having difficulty meeting their tax and super obligations, the ATO offers a range of support in difficult times. Information is also available in Arabic, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Vietnamese.
- Support is also available from Beyond Blue and Lifeline. Embrace Multicultural Mental Health also supports people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.