Changing the Conversation is a series of thought-provoking discussions hosted by Multicultural Australia, in partnership with the Queensland Performing Arts Centre exploring key issues in our increasingly multicultural society that all Australians must grapple with to...
Community Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (CRSI)
In 2020 CRSI initiated, led and coordinated the implementation of a pilot ‘Group Mentorship’ program along with a range of collaborating organisations. The program aimed to harness the energies of local community groups to provide self-directed and holistic support...
Youth Visit to Parliament House Canberra
SydWest Multicultural Services supports young refugees and migrants to engage and participate in Australian society by organising a visit to Parliament House Canberra. SydWest MS - Civic Participation
Brotherhood of St Laurence: Youth Program
The Brotherhood of St Laurence’s Youth Program works with young people aged 15-25 to support them to access education and employment support through one to one or group coaching. They also run social inclusion activities and civic engagement activities, such as...
Safety Day
ACCESS' Community Education team organised a Community Safety day for clients. The purpose of the day was to equip the community with some essential knowledge around disaster management and emergency situations such as fires, medical emergencies, dangerous Australian...
Welcome to the Neighbourhood
Community Migrant Resource Centre (CMRC) promoting integration and participation through their Welcome to the Neighbourhood Project. Case Study - CMRC, Welcome to the neighbourhood
Women’s Financial Empowerment
Spectrum and Women's Health West support financial empowerment of women to pave their way for civic participation. Civic Participation_Women's financial empowerment
One World
The Southern Migrant and Refugee Centre aims to bring together individuals, communities and organisations from many different backgrounds, to promote harmony and unity, and to celebrate Interculturalism. Case Study_One World
Multicultural Sports Club
The Multicultural Sports Club promotes young people to transition into mainstream clubs. Case Study_Multicultural Sports Club
Successful Communities
The Successful Communities Toolbox is a website created for Multicultural Community Leaders to access step by step guidance and links that provide simple models for: governance, taking action, advocacy and promotion of their community group. Case study- Successful...
New Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) research summary
Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS)' Building a New Life in Australia (BNLA) team has released a new research summary: ‘Settlement outcomes of humanitarian youth and active citizenship: Economic participation, social participation and personal wellbeing’....
Stepping out of the shadows: Reducing Stigma in Multicultural Communities
This training aims to reduce the negative impact of stigma amongst CALD communities by exploring how communities can deal with mental illness stigmas, drawing on their strengths and experience. Case Study - Stepping out of the shadows