MEMBERSHIP: Associate Member
Great Lakes Agency for Peace and Development International (GLAPD) is an international humanitarian non-profit, non-religious and non-political agency which was formed to contribute to peace and development amongst the people of Africa’s Great Lakes region, at the local, regional and international level.
GLAPD promotes programs that forsters cultural diversity and social cohesion among the Communities of the Greak Lakes Regions – Burundi, Congolese, Ruwandese, Ugandan. They also provide training, conferences, workshops, sporting and social activities to the communities of the Great Lakes. These includes providing community education to promote environmental issues awareness, running health education workshops on mental health, adult literacy and business, promoting social research among rural communities and develop productive partnerships with local service providers.
GLAPD is running settlement programs for migrant families from refugee background to regional Australia.
Contact GLAPD
Suite 4, 1 The Crescent, Fairfield NSW 2165
p: 02 9723 8865