MEMBERSHIP: Associate Member
Asian Women at Work Inc (AWatW) is an active organisation that has been working to empower migrant women in low paid and precarious employment since our incorporation in 1995. A key focus of our work is to build and strengthen the capacity of the target communities, as well as build links with the mainstream local communities in which they live. Leadership development and training is central to our model of work, which is ultimately building communities.
We have focused on developing a support network of migrant women workers based around local branches, capable of reaching out to hundreds of migrant women workers in each local area, and our current membership is 2000. Through these women members we are also reaching thousands of others in their families. Everyone who participates in our activities is invited to become a member, but we assist many who are not our members. We currently have over 25 established social, educational and support groups, most of which are run by leaders from the target group. We work in five branch areas, with more than 100 migrant women workers involved in leadership roles in their groups and branches.
Contact AWATW:
Suite 9, Level 7, 377 Sussex St, Sydney NSW 2000
p: (02) 8068 1304