Policy and Research

Policy & Research

Community English Language Programs: Strengths and Challenges

Recognising Overseas Skills and Qualifications

SCoA Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Migration: Inquiry into migration in regional Australia

SCoA Submission Submission to the Community Affairs Reference Committee: Inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia

The Effects of Discrimination of Refugee and Migrant Housing Needs

ATCR 2019 Report

SCoA Achievements 2018-2019

Volunteering and Settlement in Australia

SCoA’s 2019 Federal Election Platform

SCoA Policy Focus – Access to Justice

Barriers and Exclusions: The support needs of newly arrived refugees with a disability – February 2019

Community English Language Programs: Strengths and Challenges

Recognising Overseas Skills and Qualifications

SCoA Submission to Joint Standing Committee on Migration: Inquiry into migration in regional Australia

SCoA Submission Submission to the Community Affairs Reference Committee: Inquiry into the Adequacy of Newstart and related payments and alternative mechanisms to determine the level of income support payments in Australia

The Effects of Discrimination of Refugee and Migrant Housing Needs

ATCR 2019 Report

SCoA Achievements 2018-2019

Volunteering and Settlement in Australia

SCoA’s 2019 Federal Election Platform

SCoA Policy Focus – Access to Justice

Barriers and Exclusions: The support needs of newly arrived refugees with a disability – February 2019