Connecting Women Workshops

Connecting Women Workshops

AMRC Adelaide, Northern Area MRC and regionals MRCs in Bordertown, Murray Bridge, Mount Gambier and Naracoorte delivered health and wellbeing workshops to women of migrant and refugee backgrounds in partnership with SA Health. AMRC_HealthandWellbeing

Connecting Women Workshops

Ask Maria

The ‘Ask Maria’ Project, initiated by Women’s Legal Service SA (WLSSA), was delivered to women of refugee and migrant backgrounds in regional South Australia. AMRC_Justice

Connecting Women Workshops

Going Home Staying Home

When starting this project, CMRC had two objectives: developing stronger relationships with local real estate agencies and building capacity among refugee and migrant tenants and community leaders. However, a third objective has been to shift the focus away from...

Connecting Women Workshops

Fairfield Housing Taskforce

Fairfield Housing Taskforce (FHT) is a collaboration of government and non- government organizations set up to assist and advocate for refugees recently settled in Fairfield LGA. Core, SSI_Housing

Connecting Women Workshops

Career Pathways Pilot

The Career Pathways Pilot for Humanitarian Entrants (CPP) assists refugees with professional, trade skills and/or qualification to requalify in Australia or to find jobs that match their skills set. AMES_Employment

Connecting Women Workshops

Job Ready

The Job Ready program provides a pathway for migrants and refugees to obtain jobs or pursue training suited to their existing qualifications and work experience. MARSS_Employment

Connecting Women Workshops

Aged Care Courses

Over three successive years, the Migrant Information Centre (MIC) facilitated aged care courses in partnership with a local Registered Training Organisation, North Ringwood Community House. This course was chosen to meet both a skills shortage in the aged care sector...