Michael Zgryza has worked across the community sector for over 30 years, specifically across the youth and refugee/multicultural space on both a practice and policy level, having previously worked as a youth worker, the NESB Policy Officer for the Youth Affairs Network of Queensland, and most recently close to 15 years involvement at MultiLink Community Services Inc. directly leading various service delivery activities and teams.
Michael is currently the Community Services Manager with MultiLink Community Services Inc. with oversight of the Settlement, Youth, Community Support, Financial Wellbeing, and Employment & Training service teams. He has also previously managed MultiLink’s Aged Care and Disability services area.
His experience has given him an excellent understanding of service delivery practice in the multicultural/migrant/refugee sector and the dynamic interface between practice and policy, as well as accountability and governance on a service delivery and organisational level. Previously working with Queensland’s Youth peak body additionally gives him a sound experience of the role and practice of member driven sector peak organisations.
Michael has a strong public policy skill and is a firm practitioner of evidence-based advocacy. He is passionate about innovation in service development and delivery, quality assurance, standards, and benchmarking, and committed to developing dynamic and beneficial partnerships and collaborations.