SCoA Membership Application "*" indicates required fields Name of organisation:*ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Full member - Provide funded settlement services as core business. Associate member - Organisations whose activities align with SCOA’s vision of an inclusive Australia where all people of migrant and refugee backgrounds belong, thrive and experience fulfilling lives but whose core business is not funded settlement service provision. Application type* Full member Associate member Does your organisation provide settlement services as its core business (i.e is specifically funded to deliver settlement services) or deliver a comprehensive range of services to migrants and refugees supporting them in their settlement journey?* No Yes Please select which category applies to your organisation:* SETS provider HSP provider AMEP provider Other organisation whose main purpose is supporting migrants and refugees in their settlement journey. Please Specify:Does your organisation activities align with SCOA’s vision of an inclusive Australia where all people of migrant and refugee backgrounds belong, thrive and experience fulfilling lives but whose core business is not settlement service provision?* No Yes Please select which category applies to your organisation:* Ethno-specific community Local community group or association Allied sectors: Research institution, education provider, legal service provider, health provider, employment organisation, housing support, LGA Peak body Other Please Specify:Member organisation are encouraged to nominate at least representative. Full Members are required under SCOA’s Constitution to nominate two representatives who become that Organisation’s delegates at official SCOA meetings. We suggest your organisation’s representatives are persons of suitable seniority within your organisation, with a high level of knowledge of the settlement sector and who are committed to contributing to SCOA from time to time where relevant. Organisation Representative 1:* First Last Job Title:*Email:*Direct phone:*Organisation Representative 2 (if applicable): First Last Job Title:Email: Direct phone:By naming the above representatives, I signify agreement to receive SCOA’s correspondence via email.* Yes No Please list any other email addresses to whom you would like SCOA to send its newsletter and communications: Organisation CEO (if not listed above):CEO's email: CEO's direct phone: Organisation's postal address:*Organisation's principal place of business (street address):*State/Territory:*Postcode:*Organisation phone:*Organisation's Email:*Email for invoicing:* Organisation Website:*Organisation's ABN (Australian Business Number):*How many staff, approximately, does your organisation have in total?*How many settlement workers, approximately, does your organisation have?*Do these details correspond to your head office?* No Yes Head office address Street Address Address Line 2 City State/ Territory Post Code Head office phone number:Organisation's Income*(Membership fees are determined by organisation's income. Membership fees can be viewed here.) Income less than $50,000 Less than $100,000 $100,001 to $500,000 $500,000 to $1 million $1 million to $5 million $5 million to $10 million $10 million plus State/Territory of Registration* ACT NSW NT QLD SA TAS VIC WA Location of Services - Please tick accordingly the location of settlement services your organisation provides.* Metropolitan Area Regional Area Remote Area Provide a short description of your organisation:*Please briefly describe the settlement services or related services your organisation provides:Please provide a brief overview of any funding your organisation currently receives. Please state the funding type, and if your service receives federal and/or state government funding:Please describe the way your organisation is governed and how members of the community(ies) you work with are involved in the decision-making of the organisation:Member organisations are listed on the SCOA website. Do you agree to have your organisation listed on the SCOA website?* Yes No Thank you for your application. A SCOA staff member will be in touch shortly.