MEMBERSHIP: Full Member LASSA’s programs empower Latin American migrants, including refugees and humanitarian visa holders, in South Australia. Through culturally tailored initiatives in education, employment tools, mental health, and social engagement, we help our...
Community Corporate
Community Corporate was founded by Social Entrepreneur and second-generation Filipino migrant, Ms Carmen Garcia. Carmen witnessed firsthand exposure to the struggles her mother faced in being able to practice her profession of law without her qualifications being...
Tigray Community Assoc. of South Australia
Welcoming Australia
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member Welcome to Australia exists to engage everyday Australians in the task of cultivating a culture of welcome in its nation. The Australia its love is known for its diversity, compassion, generosity and commitment to giving all people a fair go....
TAFE SA – English Language Services
MEMBERSHIP: Associate Member TAFE SA English Language Services – Delivering the AMEP Program provides English language classes and settlement support for newly arrived migrants and refugees throughout South Australia. We are funded through the Australian Government...
Northern Area Migrant Resource Centre
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member The Northern Area MRC operates from facilities in Salisbury and an outreach office in Modbury. It covers the whole of the northern metropolitan and lower north local government areas. It offers services such as New arrival and settlement...
Murraylands Multicultural Network
Contact Murray Lands: c/o 23 Coglin St Adelaide SA p: 08 8532 3922 e: w: www.mrcsa.coma.u
Multicultural Youth Link SA
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member Multicultural Youth Link SA caters for all youth from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Contact Multicultural Youth Link SA: 23 Coglin Street Adelaide SA p: 08 8217 9500 e: w:
Middle Eastern Communities Council of SA
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member The Middle Eastern Communities Council of SA provides support for newly arrived migrants and refugees including advocacy, information and referral. They also active in the promotion of Middle Eastern cultures and traditions. Contact MECCSA: 23...
Mount Gambier Migrant Resource Centre
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member Mount Gambier Migrant Resource Centre (previously Limestone Coast Migrant Resource Centre) is the leading community settlement service agency for new and emerging communities in Limestone Coast, South Australia. It provides training to its...
City of Port Adelaide Enfield
MEMBERSHIP: Associate Member The City of Port Adelaide Enfield is proud of its multi-cultural population. The region has one of the most culturally diverse populations in the State. 34,445 people who were living in the City of Port Adelaide Enfield in 2011 were born...
Australian Refugee Association
MEMBERSHIP: Full Member The Australian Refugee Association (ARA) believes in the desire and capacity of refugees to be part of the culture and economic life of Australia. It provides advice, assistance, advocacy and practical support with Settlement Services,...