ACT Member
MARSS Australia Inc.


The MARSS Australia Inc, formerly the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services of the ACT’s mission is to be a leader in provision of settlement and related services for migrants, refugees and humanitarian entrants in the ACT and region, in a caring, supporting and enabling way.

MARSS was established in 1980 as the Migrant Resource Centre and incorporated in 1983. It has been funded largely by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship. Financial support has also been provided to MARSS by ACT Governments since 1990. Since its inception, MARSS has been managed by a Board of Management comprising of elected nominees from Canberra’s ethnic communities, and nominated members representing the Local Government. MARSS has grown to become a vibrant service-oriented organisation, incorporating programs for migrants of all ages to assist with language, welfare, employment, access and equity for people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds.

Contact MARSS:

Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre

2nd Floor North Bldg, 180 London Circuit Canberra ACT

p: 02 6248 8577

