TAS Member
CatholicCare Tasmania


CatholicCare Tasmania delivers a range of specialised, professional support to families and individuals throughout Tasmania, including counselling, housing and homelessness support, advocacy, education and training, mental health support, multicultural support, family reunification, family violence support and education.

Multicultural Service Programs (MSP) provides support to people from multicultural backgrounds across Tasmania to develop a sense of belonging and participate confidently in society. Our programs provide support to a range of visa holders including former humanitarian entrants, Safe Haven Enterprise Visa (SHEV) holders, Temporary Protection Visa (TPV) holders, Bridging Visa E holders, and recently arrived migrants.

Our aim is to support individuals and families new to Tasmania to develop their independence and capacity to participate in society and confidently settle in the community.

Contact Catholic Care Tas:

35 Tower Road, New Town TAS

p: 03 6278 1660

e: info.msp@aohtas.org.au

w: www.catholiccaretas.org.au