The MoneyGirl course is an evidence-based financial education program designed especially for young people in Australia, with a focus on young women from migrant and refugee backgrounds. The program consists of 6 workshops, and each workshop covers one topic that will...
Employment, Micro Enterprise and Livelihoods Projects – MercyCare
MercyCare, alongside a range of partners, have developed a model to support newly arrived migrants and refugees to access suitable employment by offering a range of pathways. This includes employment streams, including employer matching and work via social...
Ignite Regional
SSI’s Ignite Program supports a diverse range of entrepreneurs from vulnerable communities, including in regional areas of NSW. Economic participation and social inclusion are at the heart of the Ignite program, recognising that meaningful employment is critical to a...
Cairns Multicultural Community Leaders Network
Centacare FNQ’s Multicultural Community Leaders Network seeks to support multicultural communities to identify their priorities and meet their needs, by facilitating a platform for community associations to meet and discuss their strengths, challenges and goals;...
All One Under the Sun
“All One Under the Sun” (AOUTS) evolved from a series of consultations with youth from refugee backgrounds about their experiences of racism in Coffs Harbour. The program aimed to develop an antiracism campaign using multi art form messaging designed by young people...
City of Stirling Collaboration with SecondBite
City of Stirling partners with SecondBite and Coles to collect and distribute food to share with newly arrived migrants and refugees who need it. Community-based volunteers are essential to supporting the success of this program. City of Stirling Collaboration...
Melbourne Polytechnic – Soccer Programs with Football Victoria
Football Victoria and Melbourne Polytechnic worked together to provide accessible football/soccer programs for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds to support their learning and physical and mental wellbeing. Melbourne Polytechnic – Soccer Programs with...
Community Refugee Sponsorship Initiative (CRSI)
In 2020 CRSI initiated, led and coordinated the implementation of a pilot ‘Group Mentorship’ program along with a range of collaborating organisations. The program aimed to harness the energies of local community groups to provide self-directed and holistic support...
Submission: Inquiry into adult literacy and its importance
The Settlement Council of Australia (SCoA) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into this inquiry. SCoA is the peak body representing the vast majority of settlement agencies across Australia providing direct services and support to people from migrant and...