South East Community Links practitioners and local settlement service providers recognised a consistent lack of awareness and engagement with public transport, particularly within the City of Casey, for newly arrived communities with English as an additional language....
Women at the Wheel- SSI (formerly Access Community Services)
Women at the Wheel supports CALD women to gain the required knowledge and practical experience of Australian Road Rules & driving lessons to enable them to obtain a provisional Queensland Driver’s License. Participants also gain knowledge regarding driving on...
Drive Safe in WA
Drive Safe in WA is designed to provide refugees and migrants with an overview of WA road rules, purchasing a safe vehicle and child restraints. Transport_Communicare
Train Station Orientation
Settlement Services International (SSI) supports new arrivals to understand the local train system in Coffs Harbour. Transport_SSI
DriveAbout App
The DriveAbout App assists young drivers and drivers from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds to stay safe by improving their understanding of Australian road rules. AMRC_Transport1
Road Safety Education
A series of road safety education sessions were delivered by the Northern Area MRC and regional MRCs in South Australia. AMRC_transport2
Youth Public Transport Marathon
Migrant Information Centre Eastern Melbourne held a Youth Public Transport Marathon that focused on building newly arrived young people's confidence and knowledge of public transport. Transport_MIC
The Learner Driving Mentor Program
SydWest Multicultural Services assists new arrivals through the process of getting their driving licence which brings independence to their settlement. SydWest - Transport case study final
Passport to Drive Program
The Multicultural Council of The Northern Territory has developed a driver education program unique to the NT designed to assist recently arrived refugees to become safe and competent drivers and attain their driver’s licenses in a cost-effective and timely manner....
Road Ready and Learn to Drive programs
The Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services of the ACT offers a road safety course and subsidised driving lessons with an accredited driving instructor to new arrivals as a part of the organisation's community development program. Learning to drive, and understanding...