Made by Many Hands – Migrant Women in Business
MWiB - 'Made by Many Hands
Submission: Inquiry into adult literacy and its importance
The Settlement Council of Australia (SCoA) welcomes the opportunity to provide input into this inquiry. SCoA is the peak body representing the vast majority of settlement agencies across Australia providing direct services and support to people from migrant and...
Work and Welcome – Multicultural Australia
Multicultural Australia
Certificate II in Engineering Studies Pilot Program – Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services
Special Preparatory Program – Navitas
Navitas Case Study
Youth Visit to Parliament House Canberra
SydWest Multicultural Services supports young refugees and migrants to engage and participate in Australian society by organising a visit to Parliament House Canberra. SydWest MS - Civic Participation
TAFE Queensland: Online English Language and Literacy Services
Queensland’s newest migrants and refugees turned to TAFE Queensland for critical online support during the COVID-19 pandemic. As restrictions were introduced, TAFE QLD’s English Language and Literacy Services quickly activated plans for the remote delivery of the...
Wyndham Community and Education Centre: Fresh Start Program
Wyndham CEC_template
Catholic Care Tasmania: Light the Way
Australian Migrant Resource Centre: Women’s Employment into Action Project
National Education Roundtable Briefing Paper Education and students from refugee and migrant backgrounds: Briefing Paper
The National Education Roundtable - Briefing Paper provides an overview of the barriers to equitable access and engagement in primary and secondary education experienced by students from refugee and migrant backgrounds in Australia. It also highlights how COVID-19 has...