SCOA 2021-22 Annual Report

SCOA 2021-22 Annual Report

As I reflect on 2022 as the year we emerged from the most challenging period of the pandemic, I am immensely proud of what we achieved. I am confident that together we have made a significant contribution to a more equitable, respectful and inclusive Australia. I am...

Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia

Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia

In 2017 the number of refugees arriving in Australia effectively doubled the intake of previous decades. This is because most of the special one-off intake of 12,000 Syrian Conflict refugees that was announced by Prime Minister Abbott in 2015 in fact arrived in 2017....

Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia

Creating an Inclusive Narrative Report

The Australian Baha'i Community has published a report on creating an inclusive narrative in our communities. It sought to identify what Australians understand about who we are as a people, the values that unite us, and how we can work towards a more socially cohesive...