The Settlement Council of Australia (SCOA) is grateful for the opportunity to make a submission in response to the Fourth National Hepatitis B Strategy 2023-2030 (the Strategy). As the Strategy notes, in 2020, nearly 70% of people living with chronic hepatitis B in...
SCOA 2021-22 Annual Report
As I reflect on 2022 as the year we emerged from the most challenging period of the pandemic, I am immensely proud of what we achieved. I am confident that together we have made a significant contribution to a more equitable, respectful and inclusive Australia. I am...
Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania: Links for Life
The ‘Links for Life’ project worked in collaboration with a number of organisations around Tasmania to show participants the events and activities that have cultural significance in Tasmania and across Australia. MRC Tas - Links for Life
Tafe Queensland: ‘Rose’ Community Class
TAFE QLD_template
Multicultural Enterprise Development Project – Metropolitan Migrant Resource Centre
Made by Many Hands – Migrant Women in Business
MWiB - 'Made by Many Hands
Work and Welcome – Multicultural Australia
Multicultural Australia
Certificate II in Engineering Studies Pilot Program – Loddon Campaspe Multicultural Services
Special Preparatory Program – Navitas
Navitas Case Study
Youth Visit to Parliament House Canberra
SydWest Multicultural Services supports young refugees and migrants to engage and participate in Australian society by organising a visit to Parliament House Canberra. SydWest MS - Civic Participation
Settlement Outcomes of Refugee Families in Australia
In 2017 the number of refugees arriving in Australia effectively doubled the intake of previous decades. This is because most of the special one-off intake of 12,000 Syrian Conflict refugees that was announced by Prime Minister Abbott in 2015 in fact arrived in 2017....
Creating an Inclusive Narrative Report
The Australian Baha'i Community has published a report on creating an inclusive narrative in our communities. It sought to identify what Australians understand about who we are as a people, the values that unite us, and how we can work towards a more socially cohesive...